Monday, January 24, 2011

Gray Water Recycling, the next generation process!

Water pollution is a serious problem in India as almost 70% of surface water resources have serious pollution problem and a growing number of ground water resources are already contaminated by various pollutants. In many cases these sources have been rendered unfit for any useful consumption. This deterioration is more apparent in and around the large urban areas. Inadequately treated industrial effluent is finding way in the water sources causing sever contamination beyond repair through conventional means. 

Domestic waste-water is also one of the major pollution source causing 14 major river systems getting heavily polluted from 50 million M3 of untreated sewage discharged into them each year. This also causes high incidence of water related diseases. To date, only 14% of rural and 70% of urban inhabitants have access to adequate sanitation facilities. The conventional approach in the segment has been typically of end-of-the-pipe treatment where raw water sent to a water treatment plant, the treatment plant is sent to an effluent treatment plant and then is discharged. The new integrated approach, we are trying to bring in for Water & Wastewater Treatment in association with US Filter is, the raw water is sent to the treatment plant where there is pre treatment, Main treatment and Post treatment. This treated water is sent to an effluent plant and is further treated. There is recycled water which is ready to be used and the sludge is removed from the water. Sigma enterprises and Triveni Group are the two main groups focusing on water recycling. “It is high time water is to be recycled and saved for the future generations” says Mr. Dr.S. Rajesh, CEO of SIGMA enterprises. 

The more developments come the better it is for the society to live. To make use with the resources we have is becoming very difficult. “Water recycling has not yet been explained fully and the people have not understood the importance of it because of that”, says R. V. Saraf Director Viraj Envirozing India Pvt. Ltd. GEA designed and built eight (8) drinking water RO plants for domestic use in Chennai and Gujarat, which have been experiencing serious drought conditions for the past 3 years. These residential private plants range from 2,000 to 15,000 GPD, typically averaging about 12,500 GPD. Source water is marginal or unsuitable ground or river water. Most systems have had a two-pass design to achieve recoveries of 80% with typical influent TDS ranging from 2,500 to 4,000 ppm. Permeate quality drinking water is less than 75 ppm TDS and meets WHO drinking water standards.

Gray water recycling, the next generation process!!

- Anusha Gunasekaran
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