From ages ago, until a few decades before, Theatre Arts was one very special and important art form through which many great inspiring stories and epics of historic value were enacted by very talented and gifted actors using creative properties. It was a way in which legendary, past events came live in front of our eyes, the second time. Theatre is not just an entertainment or educating factor. Its lot more as it is the heritage of our nation. Right from olden days, theatres and drama’s is an integral part of our Indian Society, to be more particular, an important Art form.
Very recently there was a play presented by Evam and The British Council, which was staged in our city that talks about the historic proud moment of “Moon Landing”. Evam is an award winning theatre entrepreneurship in the business of live entertainment shows, workshops and cultural festivals. Evam has done over 25 plays and 400 shows in the last 7 years; Evam won the YPAE (Young Performing Arts Entrepreneur) award for India from the British Council last year and represented India at the YPAE ceremony in England. The British Council is the United Kingdom's leading cultural relations organization and India is their largest operation worldwide. In India, they operate as a division of the British High Commission and have offices in the four main metros as well as a network of nine libraries. Through their centers and programmes they promote the diversity and creativity of British society and culture. There was no much response for this play in our city; despite the play being a huge hit in all the other countries it was staged. I personally feel it was because most of the people in Chennai are losing interest in such a wonderful art form. I hope atleast in future, people realize the essence of Theatre arts and this evaporating art form that’s losing its significance will start re gaining its charm! Here I share my experience about the play, “One Small Step”.
A trip to the Moon!
A scene from "One Small Step", enacted by Oliver(left) and Robin. |
It was a delightful trip to the moon, for all those who were at the Chinmaya Heritage Centre on Thursday! Thanks to the British Council and Evam, the people of Chennai got the opportunity of experiencing the travel to the moon, taken by two highly talented British actors, Oliver Millingham and Robin Hemmings. The play, “One Small Step” was originally a documentary written by David Hastings, who had a great passion for space and flight. It marked the 40th Anniversary of “Moon Landing”.
“One Small Step,” is produced by the Oxford Playhouse and needs to be actually seen to be believed! It is a spell-bound, humorous, emotional and action-packed play directed by Toby Hulse. It talks about the rivalry between Russia and USA in 1957, which was to send the first man to the moon. The play moves like a history lesson with added flavours of comedy and superb characterization. Right from the first dog that was put on the space shuttle to the remarkable landing on the moon; everything was so real, so true in front of our eyes. Everyone watching the show was just mesmerized, because a documentary made into a play, the kind of properties used, the standard of acting and the visual effects shown was superb! Imagine, a beach ball used in place of Sputnik, the shadow of a paper-plate used as moon, satellites and space shuttles made of cardboard boxes, file-cabinet used as the steps using which Neil Armstrong descends to reach the moon’s surface! Is it not just amazing?! The overall effect that the play created is captivating and visually stunning. It paves way for limitless imagination with limited household products used as the props.
Another salient feature of the play was the sound effects that the two gifted actors made to bring the scene real in front of our eyes! What a talent! Robin and Oliver took us into TV stations, space shuttles, labs and all the way to the moon. We could see atleast a minimum of twenty characters enacted by just two of them, like the scientists, political icons, astronauts from Russia and U.S, all explained in detail, which makes it clear the amount of initiative, background research and practice done to make this show a huge success. Though it was only two portraying the characters of many, not for a single moment did the audience felt confusing or wired. The presentation was such a visual treat! The crew has been touring around the world of almost 20 countries staging the play and we Indians are fortunate to have them here, doing their 120th and last show in our land!! The best part of the play was the climax as the two staged Neil Armstrong's moon landing. It was very emotional and touching. It was the most celebrated moment for the mankind and it was a pleasure to witness it once again in real after 40 years!
On asking what was the biggest challenge faced by them in making this play, actor Oliver Hollis said, “Taking up such a serious story and working on it to present it in an entertaining way was the most challenging task”. “We had great experience working with the local theatre groups and friendship is one thing what we will take away from Chennai” he added. To Robin Hemmings, “Showing special effects was the greatest challenge we faced. To me, imagination is the best special effect and therefore we did our maximum to use our imagination and creativity to portray many things in the play” he said. But yeah definitely, switching over between different roles in a matter of seconds is a challenging task for both of them! Robin said, their prime thought was “Never tell a story, show it!!” and yeah! They really did show the history of “Moon Landing” in an impressive way!
- Anusha Gunasekaran
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